Echo in a Winter's Heart  2022

Under the Christmas Moon - McKee
Three Kings - O'Connell
Bi 'losa 'im Chroise - Trad
Five Round Moons /old yeller dog - McKee, Trad
Follow the Heron Home - Polwart
Fogarties Christmas Cake - Horn
Winter Prayer - McKee
I'll be coming Home - Mayer
Too Tight Polka - Ostrushko
Winter Grace - Ritchie
Cherry Tree Carol - Trad
Between these Places - McKee
Mark the Time  - McKee
Old House Waltz - Willson
Sun Watchers - McKee
Song Notes

Recording #15!!

Why you might ask?  When CD’s are NOT selling, new cars don’t have players, computers don’t have a disc option, and most ‘home stereos’ are now in little boxes through the cloud….  WHY?

Well, because that’s what we do.  Old fashioned and habituated to the work and fun of recording!

This disc doesn’t have ALL our winter favorites, but most of them. They always get us ready for solstice and family and celebration and that warm fuzzy feeling. 

Under the Christmas Moonwas written many years ago, while brainstorming all the Christmas emotions, I came up with this song…  to bring together those who are not with us, separated by distance or years…  the Christmas Moon will wrap it’s moonbeams round

Three KingsRobbie O’Connell wrote this fine upbeat version of the story. It was always a standard in our big Celtic Cowboy Productions, bringing life and energy to us all.

Bi ‘Iosa ‘im Chroise – Irish hymn, of unknown origin. Roughly translates to “Be Jesus, in my heart”. Such lovely notes of antiquity…

Five Round MoonsThis Appalachian feeling song, came to while thinking about a child living in deciduous forests in the east.  “Why are the trees dead?”  And a sweet momma, explaining the season with a gentle reminder that winter rest is needed.  Then the great old tune “The Old Yeller Dog Went Runnin’ Through the Meetin’ House”, just makes us smile, no matter how many times we play it!

Follow the Heron HomeKarine Polwart penned this beauty.  We altered the words a bit, to make it winter appropriate…  what lovely images of Scotland.

Miss Fogarty’s Christmas Cake – I know there is someone somewhere who loves fruitcake…  but after we lost one in the shed, and found it years later, I’m not sure if I’d EVER eat one!  Miss Fogarty’s comes with visuals of agony…  so sorry to fruitcake lovers… (just try to sing along… you might need some rum)

Winter PrayerThis started as a poem.  Which you can read below.  Then the harp and tracking over the hammered dulcimer, to add shimmer…  gives hope to ‘pushing up through aged snow’.

I’ll Be Comin’ Home – The fabulous song writer Peter Mayer penned this beauty. It fits perfectly on the dulcimer, we play it together on a courting dulcimer. Truly “Hallmark” kinds of images, of tables set with sterling…

Too Tight Polka – The original song written by Peter Ostroushko, was a generic ‘ate too much’ song. I borrowed his brilliance to start with, then created the over-eating scenario of holidays!  We have a saying, after holiday meals  “I NEED MY PIE PANTS”!  Meaning that compression has invaded the digestive process…  stretchy is needed ASAP!

Winter Grace – Jean Ritchie captured the ‘feel’ of winter on a rural farm. From the fallow field to the cow’s breath… 

Cherry Tree Carol – Francis Child collected this ballad, Number 54 in the late 1800’s.. Earliest record of it is the 16th century, and of course as in all old ballads, there are dozens of versions.  We like the ‘human’ side of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.

Between These Places – If we are lucky, the farthest distance traveled  is from childhood to old age. Or perhaps the distance from my house to your house. Or..  my heart to your heart…  winter is time for ‘inner-looking’ and shortening the distance between us all.

Mark the Time – the album title is in this poem “Echo in a Winter’s Heart” - One spring, while working on a sweat lodge with my Salish Father…  I was grouchy about the chill and gray of the long spring.  He patiently listened to my meaningless woes, and then spoke about the subtleties of seasons.  That just changing out a wardrobe was not the deeper meaning. We chatted about each little thing that we miss during the seasons of our life…  and then he said “if you experience the seasons with spirit eyes and spirit ears, they patience and stillness to teach you”… 

Old House Waltz – Ken wrote this in the 70’s while living in an old farm house in Minnesota. He tells of the old house ‘groaning’ with the cold, and the stories hidden in corners…

Sun Watchers – The petroglyphs in New Mexico, and Ireland, tell the story of the ancients marking time with the sun’s journey across the horizon.  Already released on the harp CD, on this disc, it is for solstice…  the hope of longer days and surviving the dark winter.  Birds greet the morning and our weary hearts…

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